Hi! This is Albie from Pasadena CA. & Elizabeta from Macedonia. Welcome!


 Critical Skill number three is "Effective List Building" and building your list is
really all about mastering your advertising, mastering your capture page making and
having a really good strategy about what to promote and how to promote it to get lots of subscribers.

You're going to find that if you're not succeeding with skill number one and skill number two,
then really you're not going to be building your list very fast
and that's the key to building a big list:
it's not only building it big but building it fast.

I mean can you really imagine spending
the next 10 years building a big list? You need to build it but much faster than that!



Once you understand advertising and capture page making then you will truly 
be on your way to building your list. The first thing you need to do to build your 
list is to have a good autoresponder to build your list with. There are many autoresponders
that you can find for $10 -$20. However most of these are double opt in autoresponders.

The negative thing about this, is that if the subscriber doesn't find the second email and
click the double opt in link, you will lose them from your list. The positive thing is
that you don't have to worry about getting rid of the "bad subscribers".
Double opt in also reassures autoresponder companies that someone really wants
to be on your list. However, if you research it, you will find out that most professional
marketers use single opt in. I found I gained a lot of subscribers by switching to
Single Opt in. Of course, it's your decision what you do but take it from me, 
you DON'T want to change your mind and start building your list all over again!

No matter what you decide about double opt in or single opt in, it's our 
experienced opinion that AWeber is the best autorgesponder, period. It can be adjusted
to be single opt in or double. It also has the best deliverability rate that we've 
ever seen. The negative thing about AWeber is that it's harder to earn with them as
the 'cookies' in the AWeber affiliate link often take a prospect back to their original sponsor
if they've tried them in the past (thus making it harder to make a sale).

The Power Lead System (PLS) connects to AWeber
and this is how I use it. I build my list in PLS and AWeber at the same time.
Weeding out the bad subscribers in AWeber is a great idea (to make the deliverability
even bettter) but also at the time of this writing, you can have up to 500
subscribers in AWeber for free!

PLS by itself also has double or single opt in and can be set to have a great 
deliverability rate (second to AWeber in our opinion IF you set it up as is recommended).
PLS also has awesome earning potential (much better and higher than AWeber) and its tools
are all aweseome too  - which makes it a double win. In fact it has much more tools for
online marketing then AWeber has.

Here is the video with
 details on the positives and negatives on many of the different autoresponders
 such as TrafficWave, AIOP, BABO, GetResponse AWeber & PLS. 
You can see it here

No matter what autoresponder you decide, building your list for the long term
is the most important thing. 

After you get your autoresponder, then you need to focus on effective advertising and building
effective capture pages to get people to enter there name and
email address
so they can join your list.

"The Free Lead System" (FLS) capture page 

(The starting point for The Power Lead System).

In addition, here are some tips that
will help you BUILD YOUR LIST.

Some of these TIPS are mentioned in the last training on Capture pages but 
there are many new ideas to help you too and it doesn't hurt to hear some
of the "old ones" again: 

TIP 1:

For getting the best amount of subscribers from Safelists, you
will want to advertise something that will help people to get TRAFFIC. 
The next big thing people want is to know how to make money. The big 
difference is that MOST EVERYONE advertising on safelists already have
there own business already
, so advertising your business opportunity will 
probably NOT give you a lot of subscribers! So you'll want to focus building 
capture pages and funnels that share traffic getting secrets with people and also
money making tips too. This will most likely also work if it's done correctly. 

TIP 2: 

If you can't IMMEDIATELY see the place to type your email address or name
on the capture page form
but have to scroll down to find it, then you will probably 
lose subscribers. This is such a little tip and you may think: "well, how much work 
is it to just scroll down to find the opt in form?"  Still, it's our experience that ignoring
this tip WILL HURT you. So if you make your capture page 1000 - 1200 pixels wide
by 500 - 600 pixels tall, this will usually allow the opt in form to show on your page
without having to scroll down. 

TIP 3: 

When making capture pages, focus first on getting an eye catching picture AND on the 
HEADLINE. Second, on the Sub headline. IF one thing "points" to the other and all these
things are captivating, then this will usually encourage someone to enter thier name
and email address (or click the button to go to the opt in form). It's my experience that
the MOST IMPORTANT part of this is the HEADLINE, not the picture or subheadline
(even though these are important too and are like dominoes (they must be set correctly 
for the dominoes to fall in order).

TIP 4:

You can also build your list using good businesses such as the Prosperity 
Marketing System (PMS) or the Power Lead System (PLS) but you have use
a traffic funnel to promote them that uses traffic as the reason to subscribe.
We have built a funnel for our team to use in PMS and in PLS.
PLS also has a great funnel called FLS or the "Free Lead System" that connects
to the first upgrade called Lead Lightning. This funnel works really well too and you 
can upgrade to the more powerful program of the Power Lead System
from this funnel. You can see the Prosperity Marketing System free for seven days
and our funnel as well as all the bonuses we've added to it here. You can see our funnel 
for the Power Lead System by "Taking the Challenge" (also free for seven days)

TIP 5: 

You can also build your list effectively by promoting
traffic sites, Clickbank or JVZoo. We have video's about all our methods
using these in our Mentor's Course (which you can find out more about here.)

TIP 6: 

The bigger your list, the bigger your results will be IF you
learn how to communicate effectively to your list (Critical Skill #4). 


This video will help you understand the finer points of building your list: 

What was your biggest take-away from the video? 
How can you start implementing it? 

Email us here if you need help: 



  Albie & Elizabeta





EliAlbie67@gmail.com   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692